Wycliffe Bible Translators 

P Y L E   F A M I L Y

September 2019
Did you know that there’s a day to honor the work of Bible translation?

In 1966, the House and Senate passed a resolution to proclaim September 30 as Bible Translation Day. Every year Wycliffe USA invites you to celebrate Bible Translation Day by remembering how God has answered our prayers for Bibleless peoples and what he continues to do around the world to bring his Word to everyone who needs it.

Learn about the role our founder Cameron Townsend played in the creation of Bible Translation Day and how you can participate in this year's celebration!

On the road again...

This fall we are planning some longer car trips with the whole family. We have not been able to travel much since Allison became pregnant with Caleb, our second child. Now that our kids are a little older, we think it's time for us to travel more, especially for sharing about our Wycliffe ministry and how important computer software is to helping more and more people get access to Bible translations in languages they can understand.

There are still over 2000 languages that do not yet have a Bible translation started. Also, 2000+ languages have active projects that require software to support their mission. It is an important part of our work to share about these needs with friends, family, and churches; to thank our partners in ministry; and to invite others to be a part of that work through prayer, encouragement and financial giving.

Please pray for our preparations and for safe travels to visit churches in Longview and Tyler, TX, where we have spoken in the past about our Wycliffe ministry, and for holiday travels to and from New Mexico and Oklahoma. Also, please pray that the Lord will raise up for us more partners in ministry so that we can remain with Wycliffe for the long term. Since returning to the U.S. from Tanzania and with our growing family, our budget has changed significantly. There is plenty of room for new partners to join us in helping people receive God's Word in their own language!

Caleb 👦 (who turned 4 in August) is surprising teachers by his ability to sound out words. Jonah 👶 (2) recently told me about his dream with Granddad and Gramma and was sad that they weren't really at our house. Sarah 👧 (6) is glad to see her friends in her first grade class, but her favorite "class" is eating and socializing at lunch time. 

For financial partnership:
Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 (1-800-992-5433).  When sending gifts, please write the check to "Wycliffe Bible Translators" and include a separate note stating "preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Eric & Allison Pyle #226983".           
You may also visit https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/PyleFamily for online options.
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