Wycliffe Bible Translators 

P Y L E   F A M I L Y

March 2019

Thank you!

What an honor it is to join with you in what God is doing to spread his Word until the knowledge of his glory covers the earth as the waters cover the seas.

Thanks for all your encouragement, financial gifts and prayers!

One afternoon recently... I (Allison) picked Sarah up from school and stood by the playground for a bit while Sarah played. I started talking to the mom of a student from Sarah's class who was originally from Tanzania. We talked some about our time in Tanzania and Eric's work on software development. Then, an idea struck me. We had talked some in the national language, Swahili, but I had never asked her what tribe she was from. "Bena," she replied.

"Just a second," I said, pulling out my phone. I did a quick search in my Android app store. "Did you know there's a Bible app in Bena?" I asked. I downloaded it on my phone to show her. "As more books are translated in languages in Tanzania, they're automatically added to the app for that language. Also, it looks like some of the books have an audio recording you can listen to as you read along."

She was thrilled. "This is so easy to read!" she said. She had never seen anything written in her language before. She was even more excited to hear the audio, which is great for oral cultures. "I'm forgetting my language," she said. "When I call my mom to talk on the phone, she gives me a hard time because I can't think of the words. Now I can practice so I don't forget my language." I hope that she will also tell her family in Tanzania how to find the app to access God's Word in their language!

In the past year...

Eric 👨 hosted two different workshops and traveled internationally (to Greece) for his software work with the Digital Bible Library (more below).
Allison 👩 has enjoyed having more time and energy to serve in various ways now that Jonah is almost 2 years old. She's serving with the church youth group and nursery, enjoys making meals for people, and is the kindergarten connector for new families at Sarah's school. She's very excited that she has even gotten to use her Spanish and Swahili skills with other kindergarten parents! However, she sometimes takes on more than she has time for. :)

Sarah 👧 (6) still enjoys ballet and is thriving in kindergarten at a local charter school, where art is her favorite class (the kitty drawing is one of her unfinished masterpieces). Caleb 👦 (3½) also participates in dance class, and his favorite activities are acting out cartoons and not sitting still. Jonah 👶 (1¾) is growing beyond being a parrot, surprising everyone with how much he can talk (e.g. "I am Jonah").

Pray for those who are uploading or publishing Bible content in many languages. A lot of technical effort is needed before Bibles can be made available to people who need them. 

Right is a picture of some of those users who were in a January workshop to learn how to use "nathanael", the software Eric has been developing.         This technology is already helping even blind and deaf people get access to God's Word. Audio & braille Bibles are especially helpful for those who are blind; videos are used by deaf people who prefer sign language.
Today there are over 2000 active Bible translation projects and over 2000 languages that do not yet have a Bible translation started for them. How exciting it is to be right in the middle of what God is doing to bring his Word to people in every tribe and every tongue!
For financial partnership:
Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 (1-800-992-5433).  When sending gifts, please include a separate note stating "preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Eric & Allison Pyle #226983".           

You may also visit https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/PyleFamily for online options.
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