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<<Dear name>>,
Hope you're having a blessed new year!

Thank you so much for your prayers, gifts and encouragement.

Thanks to your continued partnership, Scripture is available now more than ever!

As we mentioned in our last update, I (Eric) had a workshop in mid-January to help members of several Bible translation organizations upload audio versions of the Bible in different languages using my software, "nathanael".  The workshop was very successful. Most of the users were even able to upload some of their audio Bibles to the Digital Bible Library (DBL) during the workshop.

We spent the first day showing users how to use the latest version of the software. We then spent the next day gathering feedback for the most important changes needed in coming months. 

Did you know there are currently Scriptures available in audio form in over 700 languages in DBL? This is great for oral cultures!

Below is a fun picture of most of the workshop participants.
We would appreciate your continued prayers! In the coming month, Allison and I will be busy. I have two other software developer conferences to attend and that leaves Allison with more work at home alone with the kids during those events. 

Please pray for good time management and for health!
Yours in Christ,
Eric & Allison, Sarah (5), Caleb (3) and Jonah (1)
If you missed our Christmas card, you can still view it here:
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For financial partnership:
Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 (1-800-992-5433)
(When sending gifts, please include a separate note stating "preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Eric & Allison Pyle #226983".)

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