Wycliffe Bible Translators 

P Y L E   F A M I L Y

Breaking New Ground
November 2022
Thank you so much for your partnership in prayer, encouragement and financial support in our Wycliffe ministry!

 “No one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.” -- Matthew 9:17 (New Living Translation)

Eric is excited that his Digital Bible Library (DBL) project team has started breaking new ground on reworking the Digital Bible Library so that it is based on modern technologies and the latest best practices. This will allow them to have a better foundation for adding new features and staff in the years to come. A simplified design should also improve the user experience and lower the staff burden for support and training.  

Internationalization is one of the first new features the DBL team plans to incorporate into the app. Users will be able to choose in which language they want to see the app. For instance, English users would see "The Bible." Spanish users would read, "La Biblia," and French users, "La Bible."
Venn diagram above shows how languages overlap
across Bible media content in the DBL

Praise God!
As of Sep 2022, the Digital Bible Library now hosts
Bibles in over 2000 unique languages!

Can you figure out exactly how many languages are represented?
Partnership Update

Praise God for the encouraging progress:
we recently added another financial partner!
Personal Updates:

All of our kids recently joined AWANA classes on Sunday evenings where they practice memorizing Scripture and do fun activities.  Sarah (9) started learning ukulele each week. She's also taking jazz and tap dance. Caleb (7) and Jonah (5) are still taking karate classes where Allison teaches dance. Jonah is doing well in kindergarten with reading and writing.

Allison enjoyed taking a tap class recently and continues to teach a ballet class once a week, where her students are learning a Nutcracker dance.

Judith, our primary babysitter, got married in October. Woohoo! We are excited for her and Josh's new life together. (You can help support them by subscribing to and sharing the Just Joshing YouTube channel.)
Pray for Eric's Digital Bible Library team to be able to reach their system redesign goals while at the same time maintaining team harmony.

Pray for Jonah has started some counseling sessions. One area we'd like Jonah to mature in is the importance of being honest and trustworthy. In the first sessions, Jonah is just playing and drawing with the counselor so Jonah can get to know her better.
For financial partnership:
Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 (1-800-992-5433).  When sending gifts, please write the check to "Wycliffe Bible Translators" and include a separate note stating "preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Eric & Allison Pyle #226983".           
You may also visit https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/PyleFamily for online options.
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