Wycliffe Bible Translators 

P Y L E   F A M I L Y

Hope Around the World
July 2020

COVID-19 Doesn't Stop God's Word

As COVID-19 brought many things to a halt in March, it upended lives all over the world. Some of our missionary friends remain in overseas locations, but many had last-minute unplanned returns to the U.S. as borders closed and flights were canceled. It has been a stressful time for people all over the world.

It has been interesting to read updates from colleagues around the world as this all plays out, and especially in Tanzania, where we served for almost 2 years. Please join us in praying for health and rest and stress relief for the many who have been affected by this crisis. Life is not easy in Tanzania, and many will face hardships during this time (as is certainly the case all around the world).

However, it has also been very encouraging to read updates as people become more settled in this temporary normal. We can see ways that God had been preparing everyone for this time. Over the past several years, more Tanzanians were training for and taking on leadership roles that had been held by Western missionaries initially. More Tanzanian translators were using technology to collaborate and work with advisors and consultants based in other countries.

Now, everyone is working from home, and in spite of inconsistent electricity and internet, progress continues! Thanks to technology, translation work is continuing in Tanzania and around the world! People are collaborating from homes in all different parts of the world. Software allows them to work together in real-time or with notes for later follow-up.
Translators representing multiple languages in the Mara Region of Tanzania were able to successfully have a meeting via Zoom with translation consultants in other countries while everyone worked from home. Praise God!
In the Mara Region of Tanzania, where we worked, the book of Matthew in Jita is almost ready for publication, and they're currently checking their work in 1 Corinthians. Final spell-checking is happening for the Ikoma New Testament!

We're so thankful for how God has prepared us for such a time as this! We're thankful we've been able to connect with colleagues, friends and family with video chats. We're thankful Eric has been able to contribute to technology that allows Bible translation to continue in the current circumstances.
🙏🏽 Please continue to pray that God's Word would reach the ears and eyes and hearts of people around the world in the language that clearly speaks to them! Pray that we would seek Him in all our struggles. Thanks for walking this journey with us!

Health Update

Eric recently had an online appointment with a rheumatologist about unusual joint pains and tingling he's been having for over a year now. The good news is that doctor feels strongly that Eric's symptoms are not auto-immune. He prescribed more sleep aided by muscle relaxants for the next two months to see if he's correct.

Allison is meeting with doctors and getting labs done to try to get to the bottom of some chronic health issues (most notably, hives and fatigue). We'd appreciate prayers that she's able to address any issues and be in better health with normal energy levels soon!

Eric and Allison are very thankful for friends who made it possible for them to have a short retreat away from the kids recently!

Here are some Wycliffe resources that may be helpful during this time:
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For financial partnership:
Wycliffe Bible Translators, P.O. Box 628200, Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 (1-800-992-5433).  When sending gifts, please write the check to "Wycliffe Bible Translators" and include a separate note stating "preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Eric & Allison Pyle #226983".           
You may also visit https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/PyleFamily for online options.

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